Mashing in with British malts. Crystal, primarily, with some darker roast to add color. They're hearty and robust, but still light enough to make an excellent mid-color beer.

British hops provide further authenticity to this iconic style. Generally speaking, my partner doesn't like the flavor or aroma of hops, so I used about 50% of the typical amount at 40 and 15 minutes. I hope she appreciates me.

Lovely golden orange with light haze. 4.3% ABV. 38 IBUs. Will clear up in the fermenter.

I ran out of bottles, so I ended up washing and using one of the bottles I had lying around. I still didn't have enough, so I co-opted my partner's kombucha bottle. At that point I still didn't have enough, so I decided I would just have a glass of room-temperature, stale beer. It was pretty good actually, I'm going to try casking this next time.